How much progress has been made

The Chicco di Felicità and the project Special Needs: the results


It's been a lot of year since Chicco e Amici dei Bambini work together for promoting the right of any child to have a family:

together, we created 4 Family Homes and 11 Family Exchange Areas throughout the Italian territory, we promoted studies, conferences and campaigns on fostering, set up courses and formed new families.
But there are still children whose dream to have a mum and dad is particularly difficult to fulfil: they are the so-called "special needs children", who have special needs because they have health or behavioural issues, because they are more than seven years old or are a large number of siblings.
They are sometimes small problems, or in any case possible to solve, but they risk to compromise any chance for an adoption.
The “Chicchi di Felicità for special children” project that Chicco and Amici dei Bambini promoted is aimed then to promote the adoption or the fostering of the largest number possible of special children, supporting their future parents with training courses, aid and counselling before and after the child arrives.
Because the really special thing they need is to be loved as sons!


It's also in virtue the contribution from Chicco and anyone bought or will buy Chicco di Felicità that significant results were achieved until today*:

*Results updated to February 2013.